The World Evaluation Case Competition (WECC)


The World Evaluation Case Competition has no budget or paid staff. It is produced entirely by dedicated volunteers who recognize the importance of systematic evaluation to improving conditions on planet Earth.

Outline of the Competition

Teams of students from countries around the globe analyze a case involving evaluation of a program offered by a non-profit or government organization. Working together in their home country, either online or in person, the student teams prepare a submission to convey their understanding of the key issues in the case and their recommendations for action.

The evaluation case is in English. Teams may use English, French or Spanish for their submission.

Teams must produce their submission in one day within a fixed number of hours. Those working in a language other than English are allowed extra time. Submissions are judged by an international panel of experienced program evaluators.

Countries may have only one team in the competition.

If two or more teams from a country register for the competition, WECC organizers will select one of them to represent the country. The other team or teams will be invited to participate informally. An informal team will have a complete case competition experience but its submission will not be assessed or rated.

The submissions from teams that been selected to represent their country will be sent to an international panel of judges for review and rating. The team whose submission receives the highest rating is proclaimed World Champion. Regional champions are also recognized.

Competition Posters

WECC Videos

Objective of WECC

WECC aims to increase interest in the evaluation profession by providing teams of students everywhere with an opportunity to experience the intellectual excitement that comes from solving a program evaluation challenge in a short period of time.

The WECC Vision

The organizers of WECC hope that their annual event will inspire evaluation organizations around the world to create national or regional competitions, thus increasing the number of students benefiting from a case competition experience.