Team size and diversity: A team must have at least three and no more than five members. They may be from different disciplines, different universities, or different countries. (More detail)
Student status of team members: Each team member must have been registered as a student, in a university or college program, during the year that the competition takes place.
Team coach: The team must identify a local coach. A team's coach will be an experienced evaluation practitioner or teacher who will help the team prepare for the competition.
Selection of the team that will represent a country
If there is only one registered team from a given country, it will be entered in the competition.
If there are two or more registered teams from a country, WECC organizers will select the one to represent that country in the competition. The other team or teams will be invited to participate informally. As an informal team, participants will have a complete case competition experience but their submission will not be assessed or rated.
Substitutions: After being accepted into the competition, a team may recruit substitute students to replace members who are unavailable on the day of the event.
Language considerations: The case for the competition is produced in English. Teams may use English, French, or Spanish for their submission.
Time allowed for preparing submissions: Teams working in English will have seven (7) hours to prepare their submission. Teams preparing a submission in French or Spanish will have eight (8) hours. All other teams will have nine (9) hours.
Nature of the case: The evaluation case may be in any subject area and address any aspect of program evaluation.
Assessment criteria: The criteria used by the judging panel will be included in the case file that is provided to teams on the day of the event.